, inspired by the image is Edwin Bones has echo and nps proves to by the couple's noses or yes Canon xD. And so it went missing I miss Edwin, I guess xD.
K +, or maybe K;).
None, except that it is VERY fluff, diabetic or pregnant women abstain xD. Post-manga is not spoilers. Copyright
Anyway, hope you like Lindakml, I say ^ ^. I did it in a moment of inspiration for half an hour so tomato-correspondiende your basket, okay? xD.
We finally find
night was calm and clear. All was quiet in Central, there was no action or fights against those who fight homunculi, Fathers or political conspiracies, even deaths, just ... quiet. Edward Elric deeply inhaled the cold night air, trying to calm him that flooded.
was standing outside the hotel window overlooking the street, his arms resting on the window and half out. I had not felt so peaceful, that he felt that there was no trouble or something to fight. It was very nice. It was noted his arm, and not from the cold metal, if not for meat. It was warm, soft, if you cut and bleeding, was like his other arm. You was very, very unusual to see both arms and see the same, the end of the day took too long accustomed to their Automail. And even if some idiot, I felt that part of him was gone, some never again.
also a part of it was gone. Looking to Automail always, always thought of Winry. It was inevitable because it was she who spent sleepless nights constructing implants so he could get ahead. So that he could win back what had so missed. And finally I had it back.
Lost as it was in his thoughts, he heard the soft knocking at the door of his room. Until a familiar female voice did not speak, he did not return to earth.
- "Ed? Are you there? I'll pass.
With these words, Winry walked into the room closing the door behind her. He wore his usual white shirt and blue skirt, plus jacket. But beyond that, was different. No longer had that look of fear and insecurity, worry. There was something entirely different, something that Edward could not decipher. Until Winry did not look surprised he did not realize the time it took staring for a while. She looked away slightly embarrassed.
For some minutes the silence came over the room until the alchemist decided to break it.
- What are you? I guess the journey from Reseembool will be tired ... seriously, did not need you to come.
She shook her head and smiled. Use whatever came Edward, standing beside the window and watching the clear night sky outside. Edward could not help but notice her again, his mind insisted on change. But he could not locate it and that made him nervous.
"No, I 'm glad I came. When I heard the commotion that had assembled after the death of King Bradley and ye were on the middle of it ..., as contradictory as it sounds, I could breathe easily. As this meant that you had saved, "she explained remembering.
- Have not you thought you were going to accomplish? He asked with feigned arrogance. She smiled and shook again.
"It's not that. Do you remember what you told me once on the train? "The next time you do mourn, will be tears of happiness because Al and I will have recovered our bodies!" All this time I firmly believed in your words, but times ... "she looked down, remembering moments like the Briggs-was not so sure.
Edward watched and closed eyes and nodded.
"I understand. The truth is that this has not been a bed of roses. There have been many times I thought I'd not make it to the list would never end. But here we are. And finally, we can say ... that we have.
Winry smiled at his words and held out a hand grasping the right of Edward. The blushing jumped and she just grabbed her hard, holding to something, hoping that everything was not a dream like so many other times.
"Now ... shall return home, right?
Edward blinked in surprise at the slight anxiety in the voice of his friend. He lowered his head sad to think of all his years without returning to your "home" for more than two consecutive days. I really craved a home, that warm and comfortable place we all yearn. Although Ely had burned his Alphonse in Grandma Pinako felt like his own. And that turned it into one of the best places in the world. Winry grasped his hand with a shaky smile.
"Sure. I can not wait to see the microscopic fleas and say that I survived, both laughed, imagining the scene and surely would Reseembool Pinako sneezing. Silent when asked a question Edward Winry. What you? Will you return to Garfield?
She lowered her head slowly, hesitantly. He seemed torn between something, but Edward could not ascertain what. Winry sighed.
I do not know. On the one hand, I have a responsibility to the people of Rush Valley and on the other ... want ... to go home. With you. You, "after saying this she blushed slightly, causing a ripple effect Edward. Both were silent rather ashamed.
He also sighed, then sonreíry release the hand of his friend. Then he felt a strange emptiness in her.
"Well, do what you do there in Rush Valley and come home with us later, right?.
"How easy you see it all.
Silence returned to take over and Winry stay away from the window, sitting on the soft mattress of the bed. He took off his boots without much care, almost as if Ed were not there and threw them away. And more, he fell back on the bed, closing his eyes with a sigh. Was too tired, even if they wanted to admit. Not long until she felt a weight on the mattress, and felt the body sitting next to him.
- See how he was right? You're exhausted. Apart from the trip, the whole ceremony of the Colonel was a boring idiot ... "I, the great alchemist's fire ..." Edward modulated voice to set the tone of Mustang, Winry-make her laugh ... I agree to make this country a better place, starting with changing female army uniforms and ending with ... "come on, sleepy or not?
"Although I do not think that was the reason that Lieutenant Hawkeye was pointing a gun at his head .
Both laughed remembering the commemoration ceremony Roy in Füher. Had been memorable. Although it had been left completely exhausted. Winry sat sitting on the bed and put her back in that of Edward. The Alchemist felt a shiver runs back to notice hers.
"You know ... is ... weird. I have dream, and I have the feeling that for once, I can sleep in peace. With the comfort of knowing that you are good at and you, that you will not be at risk of dying any minute and the next time we meet will not be in a hospital. It's ... nice, "he concluded Winry a tired yawn. Her eyes began to close and pulled her back over to Ed, feeling the heat. That too was nice, a lot. And she fell asleep.
As noted Edward turned the gentle snoring careful not to fall and looked at her sleeping. The lips parted, hair spilled down her face and chest up and down slowly with each breath. Some blond locks had fallen on his shoulder and gently caressed them gently before looking to Winry. And in his eyes saw everything. There was peace, tranquility, fun, tenderness, affection, appreciation and above all, what the young alchemist refused to accept. And finally realized that he had found. Happiness.
Then a blinding light flooded the room for a few seconds and when he passed Edward blinked confusing. Doubtless he had been the flash of a camera, but where did he come from? Someone had cast a picture? Tried to get up without waking Winry, but it was impossible and did not seem able to grab it and put it on the bed.
Inside the cabinet facing the bed where Edward was being discussed internally, under some clothing, was Alphonse, with a camera in hand and a hand over her mouth to hold the laughter excessive struggling to get out. The test object was, no doubt teach them all the next day brings together the risk of dying from Winry wrenches and kicks of his brother (and even more so when his body was recovered), it wanted to accept it or not, there was, within the chamber and in that image.
Edward's gaze on the saw only love, for he had found her. _______________________________
Come here * takes the tomato-size basket Sig Curtis
Besos XD * ^ o ^