Wednesday, April 6, 2005

Unlock Sim On Motorola Tfc139b

On this day I was born!

guys because if such day as today, an April 6, 1978 I was born, if it was a bitch for some .. but for others not so ... maybe I could contribute something of illusion in lives of some learners ...

If I have to be honest, I love this life! Uhm remember a phrase from a movie k gives me all the reason to what I feel: Before jumping proved that life was full of magic, hope and full of opportunities ...


Balance of more than quarter of a life lived: a lot of sense, has stepped on the gas kizas many times, maybe we have tried to do too much the fault of many gifts .. but what I can say is that few have noticed the things like me ... things intensity roller coaster .. puff bitch sometimes, but it's worth ...

Now just think that I have much to do and each day I'll be a better person and more to come near me I want to be ... one day I sit and I could contenplar all with more quiet ... All that you are part of my life, now or before .. THANKS!

And now a picture of where I was born ...



Never Let Me Go

Wow. After I jumped, it ocurred to me. Life is perfect. Life is the best, full of magic, beauty, opportunity, and television. And surprises...lot's of surprises, yeah. And then there's the best stuff, of course. Better than anything anyone ever made up, 'cause it's real.

You take a stranger by the hand
A man who doesn't understand
His wildest dreams

You walk across the dirty sand
And offer him an ocean
Of what he's never seen

Maybe I was blind
Or I, I might have closed my eyes
Maybe I was dumb
But what I forgot to say
If you didn't know
Is never let me go

Never let me go
Never let me go
Never let me go

You run from love and don't believe
Unless it catches you by the heel
That even then, you struggle

From red I learned to cross the strand
Your footprints still there in the sand
Everything else, washed away

I may not be alone
Oh I, I may have found my home
I may have lost my way
But what I forgot to say
If you didn't know
Is never let me go

Never let me go
Never let me go


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