Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Get A Deal With Shapell Homes

Step Edward the amoral Georges. Camila

In one of the many blogs about Robert Pattinson, came the comment that the friend (probably) was doing a photo shoot "high risk" for your image for Details magazine. I do not understand because it would be at high risk for posing with a model picture little (or nothing) of clothing. If the picture is well done, the fans we have to start wearing a pacemaker, but if not ... simply be deleted.

Notice that the strategy of trying to minimize the sacred image of the couple in the world of Twilight, Edward and Bella, appears to be among the priorities of both Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart ...
but this comment of mine will go elsewhere and at another time.

Now I present my first "RobManip" (ie digital manipulation of a photo of Robert Pattinson). I admit, is not the first manipulation I do, but say that in this photo, my face will not remain too well .... jajajajaj

This picture should be called George and Madeline ... ... o. . and Virginie Clotilde ... oy ... oy Rachel ... because these are the names of the women who pass by Georges Duroy, the main character of "Bel Ami" which begins shooting in London and Budapest on 7 February.

The new adaptation of the short story by Guy de Maupassant is about a handsome young upstart who succeeds the late nineteenth century social recognition through their relationships with powerful women interpreted by three leading actresses: Uma Thurman, Kristin Scott Thomas and Christina Ricci. Will the soft

Edward with them?

original photo www.details.com/images/homepage/NovemberIssue/Features/Lambert/adam5_enlarge_horizontal.jpg
(yeah. .. is Adam Lambert ...!)

and Robert


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