Sunday, April 13, 2008

Conversion Vans In Te

WELCOME !!!!!!!!! VIA FREE ^*^^^* **^^^^

- Image:Be nice or leave.gif

L This journalero are new to the blogosphere

This user is in favor of Freedom .

This is journalero pirate and is proud to be
This user does not always tell the truth, even so is a fan of House MD .

This journalero sinpatiza with the philosophy of the hammer
This journalerosostiene that some past responses were intolerant and dramatic , other were exemplary, most of curtailed and that questions remain unanswered
This journalero envy the life of the cats ... but just like him.
This journalero are interested in oriental culture.

This journalero are interested in the Cold War .
not published inaugurated
This user is against the advertising on the blog but not choice but to hold it until Blogopedia

+```` thank the people that he knows and not somehow directly or indirectly helped me to spice up my sad blog (hehe, now looks better)

`**^^ I salute bloggers (journaleros, wordpresseros, etcc) than any search engine robot failure, out of curiosity or decision and personality came to this humble blogger espacio.un gift for PC Image:Coca Cola Flexible.gif Image:Nord2.gif


^ ^ ^ ^ I want to give a greeting to my friends who never read this blog because I'm not giving them the dire ..... hehe

(LEMUR ETYMOLOGICAL ) was a contine that existed in antiquity, some authors ___segun fictisio. in any case it is clear that the need was the desire and the illusion of a better world that inspired the authors of Lemuria to pass that dream.
^ ^ ^ lemur ( in Latin, the spirit of the night )
^ ^ ^ Lemurian : therion the song, the lyrics Swedish group flying to this extinct civilization.



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