Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cellular Respiration Lab Data Table Answers

Cold War

do not want you, I like to have a good face mask or
not want to see, I do not want to see
tired, I wound
fight for something that has no meaning and
not want to see, it is enough.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ladies Grecian Formula

paintitincolor @ 2011-02-19T16: 29:00

prefer silent, I would rather give up this anguish I choose
I choose to deny me this

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bar Keepers Friend Liquid Cleaner

and it was ..

forbidden love ... that's how sank the sharpest scissors in the middle of his forearm, not seeking to end his life, but if your pain trying out afloat. Because if you hurt meant she was alive, and that's what needed to be reminded so much pain from the content.